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Roller skating around Ljubljana

Ever since I went to the hike around the wire (Pot ob žici), I’m wondering if it is possible to roller skate roughly the same path. Basic idea in creating this path around Ljubljana is to find 30km+ path that will get me to the starting point while still maintaining interesting and reasonably safe roads and walk ways. The quality of road is also taken into account as it’s one of the most important factors to make the whole experience enjoyable.

Before I write anymore, here’s the proposed path:

Proposed path - ~35km
Proposed path - ~35km

There are a few parts of the paths that go by the road but it’s not too bad. It’s basically the routes that we take at group skating, just stitched together to make it a circular.

The most strange part is around Rudnik (south-east), where I propose making a loop through the shopping area. That could be easily cut to save 2km. Alternatively the whole Rudnik can be cut off, saving about 5km and making the whole path under 30km. With a good speed the path could be then completed in a good hour.

Do you have a better path or idea what can be improved? Let me know as I’ve been working just with roads that I know as on such map everything looks fine until you actually go there.

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