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Choosing correct peers for peer pressure

Lately I’ve been observing interesting phenomena regarding peer pressure. Most of the things that we do, we do because we’re prompted by our peers. That’s perfectly fine, since this is the way by nature’s design.

The issue is that we have to choose carefully which peers we decide to listen and be influenced by. Stereotypical example of this would be bad company that influences you to start drinking, robbing old ladies and overall misbehave. But that’s taking it to negative (?) extreme.

Telephones - Bangkok ;
Image by Sailing "Footprints: Real to Reel" (Ronn ashore) via Flickr

Then there is positive influence from your peers. The one that forces you to continue studying, take up new hobbies or just stop eating meat and cooked foods ;). There’s just only one problem with that. As much as your work peers (for example) are enthusiastic about you going vegan or something of that nature, they won’t be able to give you adequate support.

That why it’s important that when you’re choosing up new positive habits to also find a proper support group for it. Preferably within a group of people that already went through similar transformation and can advise and cheer you and will know that you’re going to be break, even before you do.

(Random thought: wouldn’t be a group called carrot chewers anonymous be a great place to talk about going meat free?)

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