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It’s a fair game

I’ve been thinking for a while now what’s fair in this system of ours. You see, people often say that it’s not fair to pitch some other companies employees to come and work for them, or in terms of product, that someone else has a better product and you’re loosing your hard-won users/customers to them.

My Mother ..
Image by UniqueOo Mania via Flickr

There’s also an more interesting question – should we build a competing system? It doesn’t seem fair to the other guys who just started, and we’re so ahead. Well, it might not be fair by some strange standard of decency, but it’s definitely fair in this game.

Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say. Go out and compete in this dog eat dog world and don’t worry about fair, you’re allowed to do basically everything. The community will judge you against your actions, but as long as you can justify them and get away with it, why not? 🙂

Why write this?

Because of Comment spam problems with Disqus, I decided to change my commenting system to IntenseDebate. I’m not sure if it’s going to work better, but I’m willing to give it a try. Since I really like what Disqus is doing, I wanted to somehow justify breaking my virtual relationship with them, when I disabled the plugin.

It’s a fair game and I’m happy to switch back when they fix their spam problem.

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